Thursday, January 29, 2009


It has occurred to me, that we tend to separate what we consider art and what we consider commercial. It is true, that what is mostly commercial lacks any artistic sense, but I don't think it need be so.
The most effective means of communications, is that which moves us. Makes us feel, makes us think. Moves us from one point, to another. Whether it is a technique, or contents, the job of the artist is to find the aspects of a discussion that gives it meaning to the rest of us.
Here is the thing. Commercial expressions usually try to bludgeon us into understanding. We hate it. We resent it. We move away from the beating. And we try to ignore it. But art can do that to us too. Great expression, art or commerce, touches us, seduces us, enchants us, charms us, violates us, grasps us, and makes us aware that we are alive. It allows us to discover the thought, the idea, the emotion. It allows us to recognize what is available to us. It is not a segregation of our heart from our mind. Or our soul from our body. But it also isn't a mush of everything mashed in together.
Let me leave it at that.

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