Friday, January 30, 2009

Separation and Mergence

How is it that we separate our minds, our bodies, our hearts, and our souls and then wonder where it is that we left things? I love joy. And happiness. And wonderful things. And we can not live without those things and the optimism those emotions bring us.
But truth gives us those things forever. Why? Because truth gives us the ability to deal with that which is beyond us, above us, beneath us, within us. Truth gives us the ability to move forward, to conquer and to leave behind. I find sometimes, that I am trying to hide, or disguise my heart with what my mind tells me.
I've seen it in other people (which is easier than seeing it myself) and I know it happens. We talk ourselves into doing something, going somewhere, being someone, that we aren't.
This is the key. Deep within us, there is a truth. We recognize it in ourselves. We recognize it in others. We look at hundreds of thousand images every week. Millions every year, and yet, we only remember a few. We only remember what we feel when we remember the image. The emotions, return to us, when we remember.
In art, those things are everything. The combination of notes in music, words in poetry or song, a scene in a film or in image in photography. Do we actually believe that art is NOT commercially viable? That it has no value? We just can't add it up and put a dollar amount on it. Well, we can't put a dollar amount on truth either. And the only reason those images, words, sounds resonate with us, and other people around us, is because they have a truth that we recognize.
I have spent my life searching for ways to articulate the truth of the heart, and how it touches our feelings and guides our lives. Whether the truth is what you actually see, or actually sense, or pick up in small glimmers through closing doors or opening windows, it is still something powerful. Because it is true.
Why do people react so strongly to animals and children? Because we recognize the honesty in them. The honesty we can't say. The truth we don't allow ourselves to feel.
It is not the activity of daily living, or the numbers of things that intersect our lives that gives us life. It is not the sheer number of images and messages we are bombarded with, that gives us energy and life, it is the replenishment and security of truth.
On every level, we need honesty like we need water.

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